Thursday 26 April 2012

One person you can trust - yourself.

Well on going from my last blog, my dance competition went really well -  i came 2nd place overall and gained a 1st in one of my dances so i was chuffed as i danced really well :-)

Having said all of this, things haven't really got any better.
Stress has taken itself to a new record and i hate it. i hate sometimes, being the person that i am. putting everyone before myself.
Some people at the moment are out to hurt me and other people i know, and its just not fair because they really dont care. and thats sad because the person they are now, isnt who they were before all of this.
I try not to let it stress me out , but i care too much in truth i guess.
But theres no doubt i will always care about those closest to me, and they were some of those people.
I hope that my friends are okay, as everyone seems to be going through their own rough time at the moment. You could be in a great mood at one moment, and then bad the next - all because of a small insignificant thing.
I guess this all just adds to other things that are going on in life right now.
But as i said in my last post, i always try to remember no matter how much stress and upset im under, theres always someone out there doing worse than i am. and i feel for those people.

I love my closest friends and family for the support ive received recently,
i just wish things would pick up.

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